The unexpected delights of the moment
At this time of peak darkness as we move towards the Winter solstice, I came cross this poem I had written about dark times and moving to working with the light. Some years ago, as part of attuning myself to the natural world I did daily sun meditations, greeting the sunrise for 6 months. That’s not too hard in winter, apart from the cold feet- yes it must be done bare footed on the earth, and its an extremely early rise in summer. Still, waking before the birds and hearing the dawn chorus changing is, once one gets over the shock-I am not a natural morning body- a wonderful experience. Now, as a result of the alignment with the sun, I can awaken at any point, and often I record dawn choruses.Why not do this for a full year? It seemed sufficient and as it was intuitively inspired, I simply went with that.
Sunrise Salutation I
Attuned to sunsets, I celebrated a feathered evensong, and falling rays stretching
horizons to kiss each hill with a lick of tangerine to startled
silhouettes so stark, more real than friendship
and the day did not exist before the Sun was full.
A student land of dully lit experience, of bridges crossed
at Midnight, boats splashing into creeks by candlelight.
Dawn sealed the magic stretch of safe-time
when slanderers and rapists were tucked up in their beds
and only fallen misfits, safer than the sun, haunted the monochrome.
But Guidance gave command
to face the sunrise
a daily meditation, salutation
inspiration; a grumbling shuffle
from cosy nest to
meet the rousing birds.
Sunrise Salutation 2
Digging toes in
to the frosted grass
I ground
for day to turn
Light lifting heart
arms rise
in ritual greeting
Dawn after dawn
dawn into day
dark into light
till my alarm is
by the pulling
of the Light.
Rosie Mapplebeck