love flourishes in the harshest spaces
Its hard to get out of the rut that politics and national emotions polarise.Yet some things matter more: the smile of a child, the purr of a companion cat, the sweet scent of mock orange blossom mingling with roses. The taste of this year’s first raspberries is not devalued by a bank or investor. New laid eggs are just as rich and wholesome. A house is worth the value of one house in its shelter, convenience and ability to open doors to neighbours and friends. Looking through my journal i came across the notes for the following poem:
An act of love
Through dimmed channels
love moves on
cutting loose
restricted perception
giving when the body
is exhausted and drooping
cold and weak, focussed
on the need of the other
So, we love a child in endless gift
So, we prop another, so they won’t fail
So, we open our lives
to receive the kiss
the kiss of possibility
the drift of hope
the blessing
of optimism
in a darkened room
It has to be done
but need not be seen
Selfless, without flesh
ever fresh, ever warm
our love.